What does Bill Gates say about AI?

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and a leading technology expert, has talked in detail about artificial intelligence (AI) and its possible impact on society...

What does Bill Gates say about AI?

What does Bill Gates say about AI? Here are some remarkable quotes from him on the topic:

Year 2019, Gates stressed:

"AI is a rare case where, in my opinion, we need to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to regulation." - In a 2019 interview with the MIT Technology Review, Gates stressed the importance of government oversight of AI to ensure that it is used ethically and responsibly.

Work becomes a race:

"The future of work will be a race between automation and education, and we need to make sure that education wins." - In a 2018 Reddit AMA, Gates highlighted the need for individuals and governments to invest in education and retraining programs to prepare for the increasing automation of workplaces.


The promise of AI:

"The ultimate promise of AI, deciphered, is to free us from routine, repetitive work, in which we are not very good anyway." - In a 2016 TED talk, Gates talked about how AI could revolutionize the workplace by automating low-level tasks and allowing people to focus on more creative and fulfilling work.

Concerns about superintelligence:

"I'm in the camp that's worried about superintelligence." - In a 2015 AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Reddit, Gates expressed his concern about the potential risks of a super-intelligent AI that surpasses human intelligence and is difficult to control.

 The potential of AI:

Overall, Gates believes that AI has the potential to bring enormous benefits to society, but also carries significant risks that need to be managed through responsible regulation and investment in education and research.

Which job will never be replaced by AI?

It is difficult to predict with certainty which jobs will never be replaced by AI, as technology is constantly advancing and evolving. 

However, there are some jobs that are less likely to be automated or completely replaced by AI in the near future. These include:

Creativity and artistic skills:

Jobs that require creativity and artistic skills, such as artists, musicians and writers. While AI can help with certain aspects of creative work, it is unlikely to completely imitate human creativity and imagination.


Jobs that require complex social interactions and emotional intelligence, such as therapists, social workers and caregivers. AI may be able to provide support in these areas, but it cannot completely replace the often required human touch and empathy.

Dexterity and agility:

Professions that require physical dexterity and agility, such as cooks, hairdressers and athletes. Although robots can perform certain tasks, such as preparing food or styling hair, they are not yet able to fully recreate human abilities and creativity in these areas.

Expertise and expertise:

Jobs that require expertise and expertise, such as scientists, doctors and lawyers. While AI can help with research and analysis, it cannot replace the years of education and training required to become an expert in these fields.


It is important to note that although these jobs are less likely to be completely replaced by AI, they may still be affected by automation and that workers will have to adapt and learn new skills.







